January 31, 2012

Tuesday (Music Video)

"I thought saints were born saints
I looked in the dirt
And found wisdom is learnt
Through a costly process
Of success and failure"

January 27, 2012

Friday Crush

Congratulations dudes. You guys made it into the list of the musicians/bands I must see before I die.

January 16, 2012


Good day January the 16th, and happy new year 2012.

It’s been almost a month since my last post in this blog. Not that I have lost appetite, but frankly speaking, life has pretty much occupied me.

I had Christmas in Jayapura, and gotta tell you, it was amazing. Celebration has even started on early of December. 
Roman candles gorgeously painted the sky almost every night. Christmas trees stood delightfully in supermarkets. Beautiful ornaments embellish the city of Jayapura. It was certainly the time when the city exposed its charms. 

The next day, one of my housemate held a Christmas celebration. He invited me and other housemates for lunch. Various delicious main course menus were served, and perfected with cold beers!! Yay! (Fyi, I haven’t had a beer since I arrived in Jayapura which was like 7 months ago. It was kinda difficult to get one in Jayapura, so imagine how happy I was). 
The day turned great.  I had free meals, free beers,  and an awesome talk with the housemates.