December 26, 2015

Wedding Prep 101: Persiapan Awal dan To-Do List

Jadi, apa yang terjadi di antara periode pengangguran dan sebelum keberangkatan saya ke Australia? Well, saya menikah! Syukur Alhamdulillah, semuanya berjalan dengan lancar dan sesuai harapan.

Perencanaan pernikahan ini bisa dibilang sekejap, karena hanya dilakukan 6 bulan sebelum  acara berlangsung.

Saat selesai berdiskusi dengan keluarga, saya dan calon suami melakukan brainstorm untuk menentukan konsep serta detail eksekusi.

December 18, 2015

The Initial Post

Hiya there! What’s up? 

This year life is running even faster than before! Lots of things happened since the last time I posted an entry on this space, and for the sake of giving a background, I'm going to disclose some information before posting other contents.

First and foremost, I’m now unemployed. I ended my 3.5 tenure at the World Agroforestry Centre on October 30th. Approximately I’ve been without job for 3 months and so far, I’m [still] enjoying it. I’ve been pretty much busy during my recess, specifically because I got a wedding to prepare! Yes, I got married last November, and I intentionally resigned from my post a month before the big day so I can take care of it.