April 21, 2013

The Long-awaited One

For the last couples of year, April has always been special for me. It is somehow the month when many significant things in my life occurred. In 2011, after quitting my job in advertising, I had an interview and thrived in starting my journey to Papua. A year later after finished with the Papua mission, I was once again back on a job interview in April. Thankfully I managed to survive throughout the process, and by the end of the month was offered a position for a Sulawesi mission.

 This year, my April started with me taking IELTS test –which score I doubt because I screwed up on the writing part-, followed by my contract renewal for the Sulawesi mission, and (here comes the most interesting part) me getting dental braces.

Actually I have been thinking of getting braces since a long time ago. My former dentist had advised me to get one because my teeth is overcrowded. Overcrowding teeth can cause an increased chance of gum disease and decay as the teeth are harder to clean. Knowing the fact, I went for an x-ray  which later confirmed that I had four (yes four) wisdom teeth buried inside my gums. They need to be removed through minor surgery owing to preventive reasons.

So I did all that, I had the removal. Supposedly I get my braces right away, but I was kinda traumatic with the ache. I could still remember how painful it was, and the profound misery of not being able to properly open my mouth and chew. Not to forget the awful swollen gums and cheek, and the fact that I could not take nothing but paracetamol because I’m allergic to painkiller, just topped off the calamity.
It took me three years to dig up my guts and actually made commitment on wearing braces. And when would be the perfect time to get them put on? In April for sure.

After 24 hours of wearing it, I admit it really feels uncomfortable at the moment. Just as my dentist said, the first 72 hours are the toughest because of the initial adjustment. Stingy pain every chewing attempt, sore and itchy gums, difficulty to talk, excess saliva production, food leftovers stuck in braces, are just a few of hundreds new experiences I will go through during this period. But whatever that may come along, let's just embrace it gracefully.

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