February 27, 2012

The Count Down

As always, I’ve been lazy lately that I haven’t got the mood to update this blog.

I’m so lazy to write the post, too lazy to pick the pictures and THAT lazy to resize them.
All I wanted to do was to spend the remaining time I have with my friends.
Oh. Didn’t I tell you that next Saturday, March the third, I’m going back for good to Jakarta?
Yap, in less than a week, I’m going home and when I woke up this morning, I realized that I haven’t done any preparation or so. I’ve got quite a lot of stuff in my room, and I haven’t started separating which to be handed down, packed in luggage and to be sent back by post.
I got panic, and my acute procrastination syndrome kicked in, that instead of running the errand , I decided to turn my laptop on and write a post about what’s happening lately.

Ok, so these past months have been the happiest moment in my life.

I went back to Jakarta on a new year holiday  to meet my  family and my loved ones. I spent like almost everyday hopping from one place to another hanging out with my friends.  I had year-end slash arisan dinner with my peers. I went to Bogor for a short culinary trip and a visit to the country’s biggest botany park. I went to Bandung with my girls to have a non-stop story telling session and to meet my best friends who resided there. I had a great NYE with my closed ones where we cooked BBQ and salad, and had cold beers and wine, and played cards, and laughed so hard  that the muscles in my jaw went stiff, and watched films until we fell asleep.

I took a short basic survival swimming technique course which taught the afraid-of-the-sea moi to embrace and fight back the fear.  I met my ex office colleagues where we had big fat laughs and shared eachother’s updates.  I gave my mum hugs everyday. I chatted with my pop and my brother every morning.  I met my sister and the oh-god-you-guys-grow-up-so-fast little darlings. I paid a visit to my bestfriends Kania and Pengki, and their newborn baby Milo & baby Rigel. I collected clothes for the donation-to-Mulia project. I had Ms. Dindiepop (who was so sweet and specially took a day off from her office) visited and helped moi with packing.  I had so much fun, the 12 days lasted so fast, I wished there were more than 24 hours a day.

On January 7, I went back to Jayapura. I took a night flight and had my mom, pop and my little brother accompanied me to the airport.

It was a tiring voyage. I didn’t sleep well because when we arrived in Makassar (which was at 2 in the morning), we had to change plane.  We only stopped there for like 20 minutes, before continue the 3.5 hours trip to Jayapura.  And again, I was restless. I had this automatic response that made me wake up every 15 minutes. It was a continuously interrupted sleep, and trust me man, it was exhausting.

I arrived in Jayapura at 7 in the morning, and had a driver to pick me up in the airport. I reached  the house at 9, and fell asleep instantly the moment  I hit the sack.

On the same week, I signed up to gym membership at Swiss Bell Hotel, and ever since, the place managed to slot into my regular schedule. Together with my two housemates, we become the devoted members who would show up every afternoon during the weekdays and every morning on the weekend.

Shortly after, I celebrated my 28th birthday with no party nor festivity. There was only modest dinner at the usual warung, where some of my friends congratulated and wishing me all the best. 
I accepted loads of prayers and goodlucks from my family and friends aswell, I was so happy that I couldn’t ask for more.

Throughout the months I’ve also become quite attached with my housemates. We go out for dinner, go to the beach, visit places, hang out at the alley to throw jokes and stories, sing-along over local melancholy songs, or stay at one’s room just to watch tv together. They’re all nice people who really care about each other and I’m so happy to have them in my life.

Then last week, I had a joint farewell at Base G Beach. You see, my housemate Cris was leaving this week and I’m leaving next week, so we sorta put the farewell together. It was meant to be the last picnic with complete house members, before we both depart to our hometown.
Everyone was there, including Fahra -the ex housemate who’s already back for good to Jakarta, but happened to have a business trip to Jayapura that week-. We had this ikan bakar BBQ by the beach. We swam in the ocean, got hit by the waves and had sand war just like little kids. It was total fun.

Now when I look back to the 9 months stay, I just couldn’t be more grateful. 
I never been this happy. I never felt this good. 
The experience itself is beyond my expectation.
And it's hard for me to believe that time flies so fast, that all good things must come to an end. 
It seems like only yesterday I set my foot in Jayapura, now I only have 5 days left to savor.

Oh god, it’s happening.  
It’s really happening 

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