January 2, 2015

A Rough Start

It's a challenging start for 2015 for me, as I am now lying in my bed with a giant-hammer-being-smashed-onto-my-head-like headache. I have also been experiencing fluctuating fever for 3 days in a row. Last night it got worse because I woke up with a severe headache and muscle pain. Before things get even worse, I rushed myself to the ER this morning and got my blood tested.
 The result showed negative for typhoid and dengue, normal level of platelet, yet decreased white blood cells level. The doctor isn't sure what it is but he said it might be a viral infection, or most likely, a soon-to-be dengue. Therefore he suggested me to have my blood tested again on Sunday. At the meantime he ordered me to drink lots of water and eat normally. But hey yo, eating becomes difficult due to this headache and nausea yo! Seriously, this is the worst headache I've ever experienced and it's just so painful!

But still, I thank God this all happened when I am at home. I have my super mom who takes a really good care of me. Really I couldn't imagine if it happens in Makassar. I will probably just check myself in at the hospital and weep continuously. Simply because being sick when you're away is one of the saddest things in life.

Anyway, let's hope that things will get better soon. Wish me luck, amigos!