October 15, 2011


When was the last time you bought CD of your favorite musician?
Mine was long time ago. Hmm well, probably not that long, coz’ I remember I bought Dried Cassava’s Mind Thieves CD before I leave for Jayapura, which was 4 months ago.

I still buy CDs though, but only for local musicians.  I appreciate their works, and I know how merciless the industry will do to them if nobody’s  purchasing the CDs. I believe buying the original CDs will somehow help them to survive.

On the contrary, I feel no such guilt for international musicians. The last time I bought CD of international bands was ages ago, years ago: an on sale CD of Tame Impala’s single.  
The thing with international CD is the price. It's expensive. The price range for local CD is Rp 30.000 – 50.000. The international one which is released by local label  is Rp 75.000 – 85.000. To boost the sales, the local labels also released a ‘Special Indonesia Edition’ which is only Rp 55.000.  Meanwhile the imported one, is very cruel to your wallet. It can ranges from Rp 90.000 to perhaps almost Rp 300.000.
The Special Indonesia Edition of Rufus Wainwright's Release The Stars
When I was in college, internet was limited, and I used to save up to buy CDs. Either to spend it at Aksara (back then they just started to open imported CDs section, which offers quite a good collection and allows you to order  particular CD that isn’t available in the store) or, to entrust money to your friend who’s going abroad. I remember Junior Senior’s D-D-Dont Stop the Beat was bought in 2003 and it was Rp 145.000. Kings of Convenience’s Versus was almost Rp 200.000, The Beta Band’s Heroes to Zeroes was about  Sing$25, and Pavement’s Terror Twilight was about Sing$30.

These days, I barely spend money on CDs. Everything is easy to get. The internet offers so many downloadable music, all you need is a high speed connection. Even lots of albums are available before the official release day -I wonder where they get the leaks-.

I can download two or three albums a day. What’s more is, you have options. There’s chance of trial and error. Download then remove immediately if  you don’t like it. The privilege that years ago, we don’t have. Back then, I only focused on things that I like, I saved money for CD of musicians I like. CDs that I would spend days to listen to, until I know all songs and lyrics by heart. CDs that when I hold the pack, and look at the artwork cover, I feel like having a special connection with the musician. 

Such a sweet and sentimental affair.   

I look back and realize, how rarely I have those feelings now. 

And I kind of miss it.

1 comment:

  1. I used to remember all the lyrics from all CDs I've bought and the sleeve art too, but we can't do it with small things called iPod, right?
