October 12, 2011

Miss Lemon part 2

After sucking up the bitter reality about Miss Lemon, I spent the rest of the day browsing on mp3 players.

Sadly, there weren't many choices that suited me. The current iPod Nano was soon ditched, because I don't like the shape. Seriously, the little-compact-touch screen thing didn't fascinate me. The iPod classic was way too expensive with such basic functions. While the Samsung YP something something has fulfilled all needs, but somehow my ego wanted an Apple.

So I browsed, and compared, and wondered about, before I managed to convince my self to start saving money for an iPod Touch.

It's only 36hours later, just now, as I came back from having dinner with kosan peeps, that I coincidentally took Miss Lemon out of the drawer, plugged her into the laptop, and SWEET LORD, SHE CAME BACK TO LIFE!!!

At first the backlight LED was off, so I have to look closer to see what's on the screen.
But minutes after, as the charging process continued, the screen blinked several times, and all of the sudden, everything was normal again!

I practically went speechless. A fluffy cat got my tongue.

This is a miracle. Alhamdulillah. 


  1. probably yesterday her battery was completely drained and she need to rest a bit ;)

  2. I was assured that the battery wasn’t drained because I just had her charged before she fell into coma.
    Well anyway, it's really nice to have her back :D
