October 9, 2011

The Weekend

I went to play tennis yesterday. It was Saturday morning, and I was awake at 5AM -thanks to my rooster fella-, and at 6, my neighbors invited me for a little exercise.

It  was years after the last time I grasped the tennis racket.
I never good at it, and apparently I have no talent. I played like a blind foolish kid who kept hitting the ball to unpredictable directions that made my partner panting. Thankfully, he was a patient bapak-bapak (well you can see most of my kosan folks are bapak-bapak) who stayed calm every time I screwed up. “Just stay focus and try to hit the ball”, he said.

But still, I hit and mishit repeatedly. After 20 minutes, I decided to quit. I realized it wasn’t fair for him, as he came  to the court, to play a decent tennis game.

In the afternoon, I went to the beach in front of Governor’s office. 
It wasn’t a pretty one, no sands, no clear blue water, it was not that clean. However people still go there. 
A family would bring the kids to swim, a young couple would come to eat bakso, a group of teens would sit over and gossipping.  No beggars, no local preman (hoodlum) that approaches you to ask some money or ciggy. 
It’s very nice to see this town still has a public space which is intended for the people, and  can be one of the options for leisure. 
I wonder, will Jakarta has one too?


  1. I would love to play tennis with you :)

  2. Then we both would spend most of time picking the ball, instead of hitting one. LOL
